lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024

IV Liga Atirca y IV liga GP's de aire libre 2024


4th GPC Canarian competition, held in the club Malpaisomys range of Villaverde, Fuerteventura, 5th May 2024. The day promised strong winds which fortunately did not occur to hinder a wonderful venue for the shoot. The field was well attended by neighbouring clubs who all enjoyed the camaraderie. Our commiserations to Armando, team Maxoarco who suffered a limb breakage in the last round, but otherwise an event that went without issue. Our thanks to Carlos the fire starter for an after event BBQ. On a personal note this was the first outing of my new bow, which promises to reward more practice and better form. An unashamed thumbs up to the bowyers, Border Bows now having a shooting presence in the Canaries, and lastly a moment of reflection for a team mate Sam, forever absent in body but not in thought.                                                                                                                                                            By Gary

En un ambiente distendido y con visitantes ilustres, que aportaban alegría a la jornada con su simpatía y saber estar, celebrábamos está penúltima prueba de las ligas regionales de aire libre.

Gracias a Xavi, por su trabajo y colaboración.


martes, 30 de abril de 2024

Farewell Sam & III Tirada liga regional Atirca y de GP´s de Canarias

Soon after Sam and Steph retired to Lanzarote my wife Jan met Steph in a foreign language course. It was at one of those meetings, my absence was questioned, with the answer I was at an archery tournament in Gran Canaria. To which Steph replied my Sam used to compete in his youth. He actually was a candidate for the Montreal Olympics. So upon my return we met up and he proceeded to show me his historic and original magnesium alloy Hoyt GM. A museum piece, and certainly not reliable to use. Soon after our initial meeting Sam joined La Flecha and together we would compete in recurve and travel across the competitions held by FECTA, sharing accommodation, entertaining with food and the occasional beer for several years. COVID stopped all of that in its tracks but soon after Sam once again joined me in being an active member this time with Club Malpaisomys, where the serious business of recurve archery and training would be conducted, accompanied with a beer or two to reflect on the day´s performance. It came as a total shock the fact he had passed, he was enjoying his life to the full without any knowledge of what was to come. He is and will be missed on the line and within the companionship of archers. So we raise a glass and toast to his memory.
His friend Gary.

Te echaremos de menos Sam 🍺🍻 🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭

Gracias a tod@s los presentes en esta tirada, a quienes trabajaron para hacerla posible y disculpas por los errores, trabajaremos para solventarlos.
